美味关系 No Reservations 2007 哈利波特5:凤凰社 Harry Potter and the Order of thePhoenix 2007 结婚执照 License toWed 2007 少女妙探 Nancy Drew 2007 十三罗汉 Ocean's Thirteen 2007 幸运牌手 Lucky You 2007 女人领地 In the Land of Women 2007 报应 The Reaping 2007 忍者神龟 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2007 300斯巴达勇士 300 2007 农民宇航员The Astronaut Farmer 2007 共谱恋曲/K歌情人 Music and Lyrics 2007 潘神的迷宫 Pan's Labyrinth 2006 同球敌忾 We Are Marshall 2006 血钻 Blood Diamond 2006 兔八哥 Bugs Bunny 1940