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  • 沃尔特•迪斯尼电影公司



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    沃尔特·迪斯尼电影公司(Walt DisneyPictures,又译华特·迪士尼)是一家美国电影公司,在美国的多个地点及日本拥有自己的摄影棚,其最主要的电影拍摄基地位于美国加利福尼亚州的Burbank
      沃尔特·迪斯尼电影公司是沃尔·迪斯尼影视娱乐(the Walt Disney Studio Entertainment)旗下子公司,最早于1983年创立。在该公司正式成立之前所发行的影片都会加上母公司的标志并注明沃尔·迪斯尼制作
      几乎在整个20世纪,迪斯尼出品的动画电影都是票房上的领先者,同时迪斯尼也是几乎所有动画新技术的开创者。   迪斯尼的标志是位于迪斯尼乐园的一座美丽城堡的剪影。最为人熟知的迪斯尼标志的片头动画演绎诞生于1985年;在2006年76日电影《加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏》中,迪斯尼开始使用一个全新的CGI制作的片头(由Weta数码公司制作)   迪斯尼公司出品的大部分电影级别都是GPG,(参见美国电影分级制度),而《加勒比海盗:黑珍珠的诅咒》被定级为PG-13
      1937 Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons   1937 Snow Whiteand the Seven Dwarfs   1940 Pinocchio   1940 Fantasia   1941 TheReluctant Dragon   1941 Dumbo   1942 Bambi   1943 VictoryThrough Air Power   1943 Saludos Amigos   1944 The ThreeCaballeros   1946 Make Mine Music   1946 Song of theSouth   1947 Fun and Fancy Free   1948 Melody Time   1949 So Dear toMy Heart   1949 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad   1950 Cinderella   1950 TreasureIsland   1951 Alice in Wonderland   1952 The Story ofRobin Hood and His Merrie Men   1953 Peter Pan   1953 The Swordand the Rose   1953 The Living Desert   1954 Rob Roy, theHighland Rogue   1954 The Vanishing Prairie   1954 20,000Leagues under the Sea   1955 Lady and the Tramp   1955 The AfricanLion   1955 The Littlest Outlaw   1955 Davy Crockett,King of the Wild Frontier   1956 The Great LocomotiveChase   1956 Davy Crockett and the River Pirates   1956 Westward Ho,The Wagons!   1957 Johnny Tremain   1957 Perri   1957 Old Yeller   1958 The Light inthe Forest   1958 White Wilderness   1958 Tonka   1959 SleepingBeauty   1959 Darby O’Gill and the Little People   1959 The ShaggyDog   1959 Jungle Cat   1959 Third Man onthe Mountain   1960 Pollyanna   1960 Toby Tyler   1960 Kidnapped   1960 The Sign ofZorro   1960 Ten Who Dared   1960 Swiss FamilyRobinson   1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians   1961 The ParentTrap   1961 Nikki, Wild Dog of the North   1961 Babes inToyland   1961 The Absent-Minded Professor   1961 GreyfriarsBobby   1962 Bon Voyage!   1962 Big Red   1962 AlmostAngels   1962 Moon Pilot   1962 The Legendof Lobo   1962 In Search of the Castaways   1963 Son ofFlubber   1963 Summer Magic   1963 Miracle ofthe White Stallions   1963 Savage Sam   1963 The Sword inthe Stone   1963 The Incredible Journey   1964 Mary Poppins  1964 The Misadventures of Merlin Jones   1964 A TigerWalks   1964 The Three Lives of Thomasina   1964 TheMoon-Spinners   1964 Emil and the Detectives   1965 That DarnCat!   1965 Those Calloways   1965 The Monkey’sUncle   1966 Follow Me, Boys!   1966 The UglyDachshund   1966 The Fighting Prince Of Donegal   1966 Lt. RobinCrusoe, U.S.N.   1967 The Jungle Book   1967 TheAdventures of Bullwhip Griffin   1967 Charlie, The LonesomeCougar   1967 The Gnome-Mobile   1967 The HappiestMillionaire   1967 Monkeys, Go Home!   1968 Blackbeard’sGhost   1968 The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit   1968 Never A DullMoment   1968 The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band  1968 The Love Bug   1969 Rascal   1969 My Dog TheThief   1969 The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes   1969 Doctor Syn,Alias the Scarecrow TV   1970 The Boatniks   1970 TheAristocats   1971 Bedknobs and Broomsticks   1971 The BarefootExecutive   1971 The Million Dollar Duck   1972 The BiscuitEater   1972 Napoleon and Samantha   1972 Now You SeeHim, Now You Don’t   1973 Robin Hood   1973 SnowballExpress   1973 Superdad   1973 The World’s GreatestAthlete   1974 Herbie Rides Again   1974 CastawayCowboy   1974 The Island at the Top of the World   1975 TheStrongest Man in the World   1975 Escape to WitchMountain   1975 The Apple Dumpling Gang   1975 One of OurDinosaurs Is Missing   1976 Freaky Friday   1976 Gus   1976 No Deposit,No Return   1976 The Shaggy D.A.   1977 The ManyAdventures of Winnie the Pooh   1977 The Rescuers   1977 Pete’sDragon   1977 Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo   1977 Candleshoe   1978 Hot Lead andCold Feet   1978 Return from Witch Mountain   1978 The Cat FromOuter Space   1979 Unidentified Flying Oddball   1979 Take Down   1979 The AppleDumpling Gang Rides Again   1979 The Black Hole   1979 The NorthAvenue Irregulars   [ad#468x60]   1980 Herbie Goes Bananas   1980 The LastFlight of Noah’s Ark   1980 The Watcher in the Woods   1980 MidnightMadness   1980 Popeye   1981 Amy   1981 Dragonslayer  1981 Condorman   1981 The Devil and MaxDevlin   1981 The Fox and the Hound   1981 NightCrossing   1982 Tron   1982 Tex   1983 Never CryWolf   1983 Trenchcoat   1983 SomethingWicked This Way Comes   1985 The Black Cauldron (pre done by TouchstonePictures)   1985 Return to Oz   1985 The Journeyof Natty Gann   1985 One Magic Christmas   1986 The GreatMouse Detective   1986 Flight of the Navigator   1987 Benji theHunted   1988 Return to Snowy River   1988 Who FramedRoger Rabbit   1988 Oliver & Company   1989 Honey, IShrunk the Kids   1989 Cheetah   1989 The Little Mermaid   1990 DuckTalesthe Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp   1990 The Rescuers Down Under  1991 White Fang   1991 Shipwrecked   1991 Wild HeartsCan’t Be Broken   1991 The Rocketeer   1991 Beauty andthe Beast   1992 Newsies   1992 Honey, I Blew Up theKid   1992 Aladdin   1992 The Mighty Ducks   1992 The MuppetChristmas Carol   1993 Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey   1993 The ThreeMusketeers   1993 Cool Runnings   1993 A Far OffPlace   1993 The Adventures of Huck Finn   1993 Hocus Pocus   1994 Iron Will   1994 Blank Check   1994 D2: TheMighty Ducks   1994 White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf   1994 The LionKing   1994 Angels in the Outfield   1994 Squanto: AWarrior’s Tale   1994 The Santa Clause   1994 RudyardKipling’s The Jungle Book   1995 Heavyweights   1995 Man of theHouse   1995 Tall Tale   1995 A Goofy Movie   1995 Pocahontas   1995 OperationDumbo Drop   1995 A Kid in King Arthur’s Court   1995 The BigGreen   1995 Toy Story   1995 Tom and Huck   1996 MuppetTreasure Island   1996 First Kid   1996 Homeward Bound II: Lostin San Francisco   1996 D3: The Mighty Ducks   1996 James andthe Giant Peach   1996 The Hunchback of Notre Dame   1996 101Dalmatians   1997 Jungle 2 Jungle   1997 Hercules   1997 George ofthe Jungle   1997 Air Bud   1997 Flubber   1997 Mr. Magoo   1997 That DarnCat   1997 RocketMan   1998 Mulan   1998 A Bug’s Life  1998 Meet the Deedles   1998 Mighty JoeYoung   1998 The Parent Trap   1998 I’ll Be Homefor Christmas   1999 My Favorite Martian   1999 The StraightStory   1999 Doug’s 1st Movie   1999 Tarzan   1999 InspectorGadget   1999 Toy Story 2   1999 Fantasia2000   2000 《跳跳虎历险记》- The TiggerMovie   2000 《恐龙》- Dinosaur   2000 《还我童真》- The Kid   2000 《冲锋陷阵》- Remember theTitans   2000 102只斑点狗》- 102 Dalmatians   2000 《变身国王》- The Emperor’sNew Groove   2001 《下课后》- Recess: School’s Out   2001 《失落的帝国》- Atlantis: TheLost Empire   2001 《公主日记》- The Princess Diaries   2001 《乌龙大反击》- Max Keeble’sBig Move   2001 《天堂的彼端》- The Other Side of Heaven   2001 《怪兽公司》- Monsters, Inc.   2002 《冰狗任务》- Snow Dogs   2002 《梦不落帝国》- Return to NeverLand   2002 《心灵投手》- The Rookie   2002 《星际宝贝》- Lilo &Stitch   2002 《乡村熊》- The Country Bears   2002 《不老泉》- TuckEverlasting   2002 《圣诞老人2- The SantaClause 2   2002 《星银岛》- Treasure Planet   2003 《森林王子2The Jungle Book 2  2003 《小猪历险记》- Piglet’s Big Movie   2003 《深渊幽灵》- Ghosts of theAbyss   2003 《别有洞天》- Holes   2003 《海底总动员》- Finding Nemo   2003 《加勒比海盗》- Pirates of theCaribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl   2003 《辣妈辣妹》- Freaky Friday   2003 《平民天后》- The LizzieMcGuire Movie   2003 《熊的传说》- Brother Bear   2003 《幽灵鬼屋》- The HauntedMansion   2003 《情系黑驹》- The Young Black Stallion   2004 《老师的宠物》- Teacher’s Pet   2004 《冰上奇迹》- Miracle   2004 《高校天后》- Confessions ofa Teenage Drama Queen   2004 《牧场是我家》- Home on the Range   2004 《最后的伊甸园》- Sacred Planet   2004 《美利坚之心灵》- America’s Heartand Soul   2004 《环游世界80天》- Around theWorld in 80 Days   2004 《公主日记2 皇家婚约》- The PrincessDiaries 2: Royal Engagement   2004 《超人总动员》- The Incredibles  2004 《国家宝藏》- National Treasure   2005 《深海异形》- Aliens of theDeep   2005 《小熊维尼之长鼻怪大冒险》- Pooh’sHeffalump Movie   2005 《超级奶爸》- The Pacifier   2005 《冰雪公主》Ice Princess   2005 《疯狂金车》- Herbie: FullyLoaded   2005 《超人高校》- Sky High   2005 《果岭争雄》- The GreatestGame Ever Played   2005 《四眼天鸡》- Chicken Little   2005 《纳尼亚传奇》- The Chroniclesof Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe   2006 《光荣之路》- Glory Road   2006 《漫游火星》- Roving Mars   2006 《零下八度》- Eight Below   2006 《小鹿斑比2- Bambi II   2006 《长毛狗》- The Shaggy Dog   2006 《汽车总动员》- Cars   2006 《加勒比海盗》- Pirates of theCaribbean: Dead Man’s Chest   2006 《万夫莫敌》- Invincible   2006 《圣诞夜惊魂》- The NightmareBefore Christmas   2006 《圣诞老人3- The SantaClause 3: The Escape Clause   2007 《仙境之桥》- Bridge toTerabithia Walden Media   2007 《拜访罗宾逊一家》- Meet theRobinsons 2D3D   2007 《加勒比海盗3- Pirates of theCaribbean: At World’s End   2007 《料理鼠王》- Ratatouille   2007 《超狗任务》- Underdog   2007 《超级杯奶爸》- The Game Plan   2007 《曼哈顿奇缘》- Enchanted   2007 《国家宝藏2- NationalTreasure: Book of Secrets   2008 《汉娜·蒙塔纳和麦莉·赛勒斯》- Hannah Montana& Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert 3D   2008 《大学之旅》- College RoadTrip   2008 《纳尼亚传奇》- The Chronicles of Narniarince Caspian   2008 《机器人总动员》- WALL-E   2008 《小叮当》- Tinker Bell   2008 《比佛利拜金狗》- Beverly HillsChihuahua   2008 《航向晨曦》- Morning Light   2008 《歌舞青春3- High SchoolMusical 3: Senior Year Borden and Rosenbush Entertainment   2008 《流浪狗罗密欧》- Roadside Romeo   2008 《闪电狗》- Bolt 2D3D   2008 《睡前故事》- Bedtime Stories  2009 3D音乐会历程》- Jonas Brothers:The 3D Concert Experience 3D I3D   2009 《巫山历险记》- Race to WitchMountain   2009 《汉娜·蒙塔纳》- Hannah Montana:The Movie   2009 《男孩们》- The Boys: The ShermanBrothers’ Story   2009 《飞屋环游记》- Up 2D3D   2009 《豚鼠特工队》- G-Force 2D3D   2009 《小叮当》- Tinker Bell andthe Lost Treasure   2009 《圣诞颂歌》- A Christmas Carol 2D3DI3D   2009 《老狗》- Old Dogs   2009 《公主与青蛙》- The Princessand the Frog   2010 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》- Alice inWonderland   2010 《波斯王子: 时之沙》- Prince ofPersia: The Sands of Time   2010 《魔法师的学徒》- The Sorcerer’sApprentice   2010 《玩具总动员3- Toy Story 3   2010 《长发公主》- Rapunzel   2010 Mars NeedsMoms   2010 Tron Legacy   2010 WakingSleeping Beauty   2011 National Treasure 3   2011 MagnetoApocalypto   2011 Cars 2: World Grand Prix   2011Frankenweenie   2011 The Bear and the Bow   2011 Pirates ofthe Caribbean: On Stranger Tides   2012 The Lone Ranger   2012 Newt   2012 YellowSubmarine   2012 Swiss Family Robinson   2012 King of theElves   2012 John Carter of Mars   2013 JungleCruise   2013 Shattered Union

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