经过近4年的工作实践,1958 年,他申请到ITC ( the International Training Center for Earth Sciences)进行硕士阶段的学习。硕士毕业后,尽管他也获得了许多国际知名公司的offer (如当时几乎垄断了摄影测量界的 H.G. Jerie 和 C.M.A. Van den Hout等),但他依旧决定投身国际摄影测量学的研究和开发。
1964 年,他在 ITC 的博士论文“摄影测量带状三角测量精度的误差理论研究” ( "Error-Theoretical Investigations on the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Strip Triangulations" (DGK Series C, Issue No. 87) )在斯图加特大学通过了答辩。这篇论文获得了国际摄影测量学会 (ISP, International Society for Photogrammetry,ISPRS的前身)的 Otto-von-Gruber 奖。
He not only founded IfP, but also developed it to a world-wide renowned institution, known for excellent photogrammetric research, development and education.
--——Dieter Fritsch
Spending a life for photogrammetry-on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. mult. Fritz Ackermann
1988 年,赫尔辛基理工大学 (Helsinki University of Technology)授予他名誉博士Dr. tek. h.c.,四年后,维也纳科技大学 (Vienna University of Technology)授予他技术博士Dr. tech. E.h。武汉大学 (University of Wuhan)在1989年授予他名誉教授Prof. h.c。1995年在汉诺威大学 (University of Hanover),他被授予 Dr.-Ing. E.h.学位,2009年获得来自莫斯科国立大地测量与制图大学 (MIIGAiK) 的 Dr.-Ing. E.h.奖。此外,他不仅是德国摄影测量与遥感学会和 ISPRS 的荣誉会员,而且还是美国和英国相应专业协会的荣誉会员。
“And I am very glad that professor Deren Li will read it on my behalf. I am particularly grateful to him. He has been my best doctor student, and I still appreciate his doctor thesis. It was a most remarkable piece of research. And I believe that it has been the basis for his great career, which I have pursued with great interest. In any case I thank him very much that he has agreed to present my paper. ”
--——Fritz Ackermann
The development of aerialtriangulation towards large blocks